Monday, December 15, 2014

The Story Behind the Gift

This month we were asked to write about the story behind a gift.  This can be a precious Christmas or birthday gift, or a gift that can change someones lives such as the ones offered in the Compassion International gift catalog.

Click here to see the Compassion gift catalog.

There are many awesome gifts offered in this catalog that to many would be great to receive (and to us wouldn't seem like the typical gifts), such as clean water, medical treatments, emergency food or shelter, etc.

Today I'll talk about the gifts mentioned under the "Children at Risk" heading.  For $25, you can provide food and water following a disaster.  This is important since just recently, there was another typhoon in the Philippines and those kids at the centers affected will probably need this extra food/water while they are in the process of clean-up, while their parents are without work, etc.  It can mean the difference between going hungry and being cared for and knowing they are loved.

You can also purchase "Emergency Shelter" for $50.  I saw this first-hand while in the Philippines a few weeks ago.  There was an area that was affected by a fire, and there were families living in tent cities.  To us it is not glamorous, but to them, it was at least a roof over their head and a little bit of privacy compared to being forced to live on the streets.  These people who have so little can be devastated when something happens beyond their control (fire, storms, floods, etc.).  Providing these kids with shelter for only $50 sounds like a great deal!

There are many more wonderful gifts you can offer to kids around the world this year.  Offer them hope for a better future, by helping them stay healthy, fed, sheltered, and protected. 

God bless you all this holiday season.

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