Today I got an email response that I've been dreaming about.....that our church might consider letting me do a Compassion Sunday! I've emailed everyone there that I can think of with no response, so after checking on another page on the church website, I noticed another email address to try yesterday and I got a response this morning. The gentleman has never heard about Compassion so he'd like to hear more but thinks it might be a good fit based on what I told him in the email. We leave for Peru very soon so we might not get to work out the details before our trip but I'm glad I at least found a person who is willing to listen.
I am beyond joyed! This is a huge church so I figured it would be a tough road trying to find someone to listen or let me do a talk (or even just a table with packets) so I am psyched that the first step is finally broken through! Plus, this would be a great opportunity to get more children sponsored or maybe even create a letter writing club or something like that to teach sponsors about the importance of writing to their sponsored child.
Please pray that the next steps go well also and for courage at speaking in front of such a large group if they do allow it :)
How exciting!! I'll be praying!!!