Today marks the beginning of the season of Lent, with Ash Wednesday. During Lent, we give things up (such as pop, candy, or other vices). We give things up to gain in closeness to God, a better devotion, etc. We grow stronger in faith through sacrificing small things and concentrating on the real reason for the season.....Jesus!
This Lent, I want you to consider sponsoring a child with Compassion International. Through giving something up in your daily life (or even just once a month), you will have extra money to sponsor a child. For $38 a month, you can sponsor a child to help provide an education, medical checkups, food, faith education, and so much more to help break the cycle of poverty. This works out to about $1.25 a day.
While I am not a coffee drinker at all, I know some people do go to Starbucks or Caribou Coffee each day and get a $3 coffee (or are they more? idea here). Even if it is just once a day during the work week, that averages out to $60 a month. Even cutting back on the amount of times you buy a fancy coffee can help you easily afford to sponsor a child.....and in return you will gain so much! The love of a sponsored child is evident through letters you write back and forth. These small sacrifices mean so much, as we are sharing our faith, resources, and time with a child of God.
You can find small ways here and there to consolidate bills, cut extra fees, cancel unused phone lines, sell unused items, etc. in order to be able to pay for the sponsorship. Eating out one less time a month also pretty much pays for a sponsorship with restaurant prices, taxes, and tips these days. I use coupons as much as I can and sales racks and clearance racks are awesome!
I'm not saying we have to live primitively by any means but by giving up a few indulgences or extras, we can gain so much in return. The rewards are both here and now, but also in heaven as Jesus calls us to love children and the poor.
Please consider using the money you save giving up something for Lent to sponsor a child. You won't regret it!
Please click on this link in order to get taken to the Compassion site to see children in need of sponsors: Click here to sponsor
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