In May we will be traveling to Peru with a group trip for Compassion International. On this trip we will get the opportunity to see several Compassion International projects to see the work they do with the kids, church, families, etc. It will be a wonderful experience, and best of all we will get to spend the day with our 3 kids from Peru (2 sponsored and 1 correspondence child). They will get the opportunity to travel to Lima to meet us there for child visit day. Yessica and Said each live about a 14 hour drive away from Lima (not sure if they will fly them there or take a really long bus ride), but Flor lives pretty close to Lima so it won't be far for her.
The last couple of letters Yessica has said "See you soon" at the end of the letter (probably meaning that she'd write again soon). Little does she know that this will be a reality soon!
And a year ago Said mentioned his goal would be to someday get to go to Lima....well that is coming true now too!
I can't wait to make these 3 kids days by visiting them, hugging them, and letting them know how special and loved they are.